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Chapter 10: 1898-1919 Inquiry Organizer

Compelling Question: How did the Progressive vision shape American politics, society, and foreign policy from 1898 to 1917?

Chapter Objectives:

  • Students will understand how Progressive reforms expanded the role of government in the American economy and society.
  • Students will understand how Progressive ideas helped shape America’s expanding presence around the globe.
  • Students will compare and contrast the Progressive understanding of the scale, scope, and purpose of government with that of the Founders.
Supporting Question 1: How did Progressive reforms expand the role of government in the U.S. economy and American society? Resources:

Supporting Question 2: How did Progressive ideas help shape America’s expanding presence around the globe? Resources:

Supporting Question 3: How did the Progressive vision of the government’s scale, scope, and purpose compare with that of the Founders? Resources:

Additional Resources:

Unit 6 Essay Activity How did the Progressive vision shape American politics, society, and foreign policy from 1898 to 1917? Option A: Explore the similarities and differences in the Progressive vision of the government’s scale, scope, and purpose with that of the Founders. Through this inquiry, students will evaluate primary and secondary sources to explain the factors that contributed to a shift in U.S. relations with the rest of the world. Ultimately, students will use the primary and secondary sources in this chapter to practice constructing an essay, in AP Long Essay Question format, demonstrating their skills in explaining historical comparison. Students should be evaluated using the AP Rubric Assess students’ progress in understanding the compelling question for this chapter by assigning the Unit 6 Essay Activity.

Some components of this resource may contain terminology that is no longer used because the terms are recognized to be offensive or derogatory, and some components may contain images that would be considered offensive or derogatory today. These terms and images have been retained in their original usage in order to present them accurately in their historical context for student learning, including understanding why these are not acceptable today.

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