The Progressive Era
Guiding Questions
- How did beliefs about the role of national government change during the period after the Civil War?
- How did the Progressives’ expectations and goals for government differ from those of the Founders?
- How did Progressives change the structure and function of U.S. government?
- Define Progressive.
- Explain the connections between socialism and progressivism.
- Analyze the differences between the Founders and Progressive view of government.
- Describe the Progressive Amendments.
- Constitution
- Democracy
- Eighteenth Amendment
- Equality
- Federalism
- First Amendment
- Founders
- Fourteenth Amendment
- Framers
- James Madison
- Liberty
- Nineteenth Amendment
- Progressive
- Property
- Seventeenth Amendment
- Sixteenth Amendment
- Socialism
- Suffrage
- Tyranny
The teacher should create several sets of laminated cards from Handout A: Founders vs. Progressives Quote Cards; one quote per card. (Tip: Make each set on a different color of paper; this will simplify organization and storage of the cards after the activity.)
Write these questions on the board where they will be visible throughout the activities.
- What assumptions does the author of this quotation make about human nature?
- How does this quotation seem to define the purpose of government?
- How does this quotation characterize the proper relationship between the citizen and government?
Have students read The Progressive Era Essay.
Have students answer the questions:
- What are some problems that you think Americans need to address today?
- Whose job should it be to solve these problems?
Activity One: Quote Cards [25 minutes]
On one side of the room, post a sign reading, “Founders.” On the other side of the room, post a “Progressives” sign. Assign students to groups of 3-4. Give each group a random selection of four to six cards taken from the Handout A: Founders vs. Progressives Quote Cards. In their groups, students should read and then paraphrase each quotation in their set. Then, they should discuss the ideas expressed in them. To guide discussion, refer to the following questions:
- What assumptions does the author of this quotation make about human nature?
- How does this quotation seem to define the purpose of government?
- How does this quotation characterize the proper relationship between the citizen and government?
After students have discussed their quotations, convene the whole class and read aloud one of the quotations from Handout A. Students whose group had that quotation in their stack should stand closest to the sign that they believe correctly describes the author of that quotation: Founders or Progressives. Once they have taken their stand, provide the correct answer. Repeat the process with the remaining quotations. If students go to different walls/signs, initiate a discussion about why each came to his or her own conclusion.
Once all quotations have been read, debrief by conducting a large-group discussion of the Founders’ vs. Progressives’ points of view. Use the questions listed above to guide the discussion.
Post the following two statements. Lead a brief discussion about which idea is more accurate, then have students select one they most support. Assign a one-paragraph response in which students support their chosen statement.
- “People are naturally flawed. They can make bad decisions for themselves and even worse ones for other people. That’s why we need checks and balances and strict limits on government power.”
- “People are naturally good, and can and should be made better through government action.”
Critical Question: What assumptions did the Founders and the Progressives make about human nature? What did each believe to be the purpose of government?
Activity Two: Amendment Analysis [35 minutes]
Distribute Handout B: Founders vs. Progressives – Amendment Analysis. Students should do a close reading of the amendments in order to answer the related Critical Thinking Questions individually and in writing. After students have written their responses to the questions for both sets of amendments, lead a class discussion of the critical thinking questions.
In addition to the questions provided on Handout B, ask the following:
- What assumptions did the authors of these amendments make about human nature?
- How do these amendments characterize the proper relationship between the citizen and government?
Have students write a six-word sentence describing Progressives.
Have students complete the handout The New Nationalism and the New Freedom.
Write an essay proposing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This essay will take the form of a two to three paragraph persuasive essay, which you write from the perspective of a United States student. Write your essay as if you are writing a statement to be read before a joint session of Congress. Your argument must convince Congress that your position is the correct course of action to take.
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