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Virtue in Action: My Moderation Log

  • I can identify ​​moderation and immoderation to their own behaviors and habits.
  • I can practice applying moderation to my behaviors and habits.

Directions:  Each day over the next week, think about your personal behaviors and habits or behaviors that you observe in others. Reflect on how these actions show the virtue of moderation or the vice of immoderation. Two entries have been done for you as examples. You should aim for one example each day. At the end of the week, answer the reflection questions.

Essential Vocabulary

moderation The avoidance of excess or extremes.
immoderation Acting in excess or to an extreme. Lacking restraint.


Activity Too little?


Just right?


Too much?


Doom scrolling-Sunday night (personal) Not enough: feeling unhealthy

Too much: Injuring yourself, missing out on fun opportunities or time with family and friends, losing perspective of other important things in life


Too much! Lost track of time, and then had a hard time falling asleep
Yelling on the news (observed) Name calling during interview No one was listening to the other person—they were both just yelling


Reflection Questions:

  1. Looking back over the last week, where did you have success acting or applying moderation? When was it challenging? Did logging your behavior help you to be more mindful of your actions and thoughts? Explain your response.










2. How does moderating your personal behavior translate into civil society? In other words, will the habit of moderation affect how you interact with others at school, in the community, and elsewhere? Explain.