- The Speaker reads the veto aloud.
- The Speaker recognizes each party for one minute of discussion.
- The Speaker directs a roll-call vote and explains the procedure:
- An “aye” is a vote to override the veto on the Bill.
- A “no” is a vote not to override the veto.
- A two-thirds vote of those present is required to override the veto.
- The House Clerk conducts the roll-call vote and announces the result.
- The House Clerk writes the result (overridden or sustained) at the top of the Bill with the date.
- The President gives the Speaker the next vetoed Bill.
- After all vetoes are addressed, the Speaker asks for a motion to adjourn.
- A motion is made.
- The Speaker asks for a second.
- A second is made.
- The Speaker announces, “Adjourned” and hits the gavel.