Republicans want to pair border security with aid for Ukraine. Here’s why that makes a deal so tough

The United States has a long history of receiving immigrants. Lawmakers have grappled with the issue of immigration law, and whether limits should be set on the number of, and reasons why, immigrants are allowed to enter the country. As Congress returns to session after Thanksgiving, some legislators are pressing to increase restrictions on asylum seekers, or individuals seeking safe refuge after fleeing their home country.
Those who argue that the United States should tighten restrictions on asylum seekers argue that our country is currently dealing with a huge wave of immigrants—documented and undocumented—arriving at our border. They argue that this is a security risk and is putting a strain on our government’s finances. They claim that in order to help with this issue, tighter restrictions in general are needed on immigration. This side contends that it is currently too easy for someone to claim they need asylum, and that raising the standards for who qualifies for asylum from political or religious oppression is one such restriction that would help improve national security.
Those who argue that the United States should loosen restrictions on asylum seekers argue that the United States has a long history of welcoming immigrants, and that they have been essential in the development of the country. They claim that those seeking asylum should generally be given the benefit of the doubt for the sake of their safety. Some may argue that greater restrictions on immigration are currently needed, but that reducing the number of those granted asylum isn’t the solution.
So, what do you think? Should the United States Tighten Restrictions on Asylum Seekers? Students may answer Yes, it should; No, it should not; or a nuanced answer in-between! Be sure to submit your responses by December 14 to be considered for this week’s contest.
Note: Ideal Think the Vote responses include the following:
For this question, BRI will be giving away two $25 gift cards, one to each person providing the best defense of each side of the debate. Both students will also win BRI swag. Each student winner will also be entered for a chance to win a grand prize of a $1,000 cash scholarship. Additionally, the referring teachers for both students will each win a $25 gift card and BRI swag.
This question will run from 11/30/23 to 12/14/23, so be sure to submit your answers in time to be considered for our prizes!