California Approves New Wave of Aggressive New Climate Measures

Florida and the East Coast are beginning to clean-up after the devastation of Hurricane Ian. Some argue that natural disasters like this hurricane are strengthening because of man-made global warming. While this point is contested, these moments resurface debates concerning how much of an impact carbon emissions have on the climate and whether current government regulations to regulate carbon emissions are sufficient.
Those who argue yes, the United States government is sufficiently regulating carbon emissions may argue that humans do not have a large impact on global warming. Therefore, they argue, there is no reason to further regulate them. Others on this side may believe that humans do have an impact on climate change, but that society is already taking huge steps towards reducing carbon emissions. They claim that the government taking further steps to reduce carbon emissions will harm the economy significantly with little overall impact on climate change as businesses and individuals would be forced to change their actions to acquiesce with new government regulations. Instead, they believe that society needs to voluntarily reduce carbon emissions—which they argue has already begun as many corporations work towards net zero.
Those who argue no, the United States government is not doing enough to reduce carbon emissions argue that global warming is caused by humans and that drastic steps need to be taken to prevent catastrophic damage to the Earth. They contend that the government has already taken some steps to reduce carbon emissions and that it should do more.
So, what do you think? Is the United States government sufficiently regulating carbon emissions? Students can answer Yes, the government is; No, the government is not; or a nuanced answer in between! Be sure to submit your answers by October 19th to have a chance to win this week’s contest.
Note: Ideal Think the Vote responses include the following:
For this question, BRI will be giving away two $25 gift cards, one to each person providing the best defense of each side of the debate. Both students will also win BRI swag. Each student winner will also be entered for a chance to win a grand prize of a $1,000 cash scholarship. Additionally, the referring teachers for both students will each win a $25 gift card and BRI swag.
This question will run from 10/6/22 to 10/19/22, so be sure to submit your answers in time to be considered for our prizes!