The immigration crisis isn’t what you think it is

Throughout our history, the United States has granted citizenship to millions of people looking to enjoy the liberties and economic prosperity that our country has to offer. Each generation has debated and discussed what processes immigrants must go through in order to become citizens who adhere to the principles of our country like republicanism and civic virtue.
Those who argue that it is too difficult for immigrants to become United States citizens argue that the country has a humanitarian obligation to allow as many immigrants to enter as possible. They claim that loosening restrictions on immigration will also allow for the United States to benefit as the country will become more diverse and more economically prosperous. They may also tend to argue that immigrants should generally be welcomed and then given time to assimilate to American principles as they live here.
Those think the standards are appropriate, argue that national security and the needs of current citizens means that we should have a strict process for how an individual becomes a citizen. They may also argue that the government should ensure that immigrants be held to a high standard prior to being granted citizenship to ensure they are best able to contribute to nation.
So, what do you think? Is It too Difficult for Immigrants to Become United States Citizens? Students can answer Yes, it should; No, it should not; or a nuanced answer in between! Be sure to submit your answers by December 1st to have your answer considered for this week’s contest.
Note: Ideal Think the Vote responses include the following:
For this question, BRI will be giving away two $25 gift cards, one to each person providing the best defense of each side of the debate. Both students will also win BRI swag. Each student winner will also be entered for a chance to win a grand prize of a $1,000 cash scholarship. Additionally, the referring teachers for both students will each win a $25 gift card and BRI swag.
This question will run from 11/17/22 to 11/30/22, so be sure to submit your answers in time to be considered for our prizes!